Ring Of Honor Results: June 1, 2023

Ring Of Honor Results: June 1, 2023

Ring Of Honor is back for the fourteenth episode on HonorClub. Tonight’s show is stacked with championship matches as Athena defends her ROH Women’s Championship against Kiera Hogan, Katsuyori Shibata defends the PURE Title against Alex Coughlin and Zack Sabre Jr defends his NJPW TV Title against Rocky Romero. All that and more on tonight’s episode.

Athena and Keira Hogan have been going back and forth recently and it all culminates in the main event for Athena’s championship.

The champion had the challenger reeling early on, but she became too cocky, thinking it was an easy night. Suddenly, Keira started to fight back and even had rolled the champion up for a close two count. Hogan nailed a top rope Hurricanrana on the champion and followed up with hip attack in the corner before nailing some head kicks and a tilt-a-whirl DDT for another near fall.

Hogan started getting frustrated that she couldn’t put the champion away and it cost her. Keira took her eye off the ball, causing Athena to reverse a Suplex into a RollUp for the three count. Athena remains the champion. 

But, it wasn’t over just yet. A frustrated Keira Hogan attacked Athena from behind and got payback for the last few weeks of Athena attacking her. Referees tried to separate both ladies, but it just evolved into more chaos, ending with security having to pull them both apart from a vicious brawl to end the episode. 

Something tells me this won’t be the last time we see these two in the ring together.

Ring Of Honor Results

You can see the full results from tonight’s Ring Of Honor episode below.

  • The Kingdom defeated The Infantry
  • Skye Blue defeats Trish Adora
  • The Righteous defeat Dark Order
  • Diamanté defeats Promise Braxton
  • Brian Cage defeats Willie Mack
  • NJPW TV Championship: Zack Sabre Jr(c) defeats Rocky Romero
  • Action Andretti & Darius Martin defeat The Workhorsemen
  • Kip Sabian, The Butcher, and The Blade defeat Bryce Saturn, Jakob Austin Young & Shogun
  • Komander, El Hijo del Vikingo & Bandido defeat Angelico, Serpentico & Jack Cartwheel
  • Ring Of Honor PURE Championship: Katsuyori Shibata(c) defeats Alex Coughlin
  • ROH Women’s Championship: Athena(c) defeats Keira Hogan

By: Brady Alexander

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