Ring Of Honor Results - July 20, 2023

Ring Of Honor Results – July 20, 2023

Ring Of Honor is back for the twenty first episode on HonorClub. Tonight’s show is the go-home show for Friday nights Death Before Dishonor Pay-Per-View. Tonight, Dalton Castle and Shane Taylor will battle to see who is the number one contender for Samoa Joe’s Television Championship for the big show tomorrow night. Plus, Daniel Garcia kicks off the show in a Pure Rules match to prepare for his match tomorrow night. 

In our main event, we have a four-team tag team match featuring The Kingdom, Action Andretti & Darius Martin, The Bollywood Boyz & The WorkHorsemen.

As you could imagine, this was chaos from the opening bell. Quick tags in and out from everyone, with the action at a fast, non-stop pace. Bodies were flying everywhere, unlikely duos were trying to held get the upper hand and the crowd was going insane. 

The crowd really wanted The Bollywood Boyz tagged in and when they were, the crowd was on their feet. They took out The Kingdom with some tandem offense, and then the Workhorsemen too. But, when the Bollywoof Boyz had Mike Bennett on the brink of losing, Action Andretti broke the pin and kept the match alive. 

The Kingdom then isolated the Bollywood Boyz and hit their backpack-big boot combo for the win on Gurv. The Kingdom get the victory and carry their momentum into tomorrow’s Pay-Per-View where they have a tag team title shot.

You can see full results from tonight’s Ring Of Honor episode below.

Ring Of Honor Results

  • Pure Rules: Daniel Garcia defeats Jason Geiger
  • Utami Hayashishita defeats Trish Adora
  • Dalton Castle defeats Shane Taylor
  • Pure Rules: Josh Woods defeats James Stone 
  • Athena defeats Nikita
  • The Righteous defeats The Boys
  • Leyla Hirsch defeats Nicole Matthews
  • The Kingdom defeat The Bollywood Boyz, Action Andretti & Darius Martin & The WorkHorsemen

By: Brady Alexander

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